Sunday, August 19, 2007

37 weeks and 1 day - full term!

Sorry it has taken me so long to post - our hard drive was full, so we had to buy a new one and that took us a little while... In any event, things are going well. I'm now at 37 weeks and one day, which means that I'm full term. In other words, if the baby were born tonight, every thing would be okay - he's fully cooked and is just adding weight at this point (and the doc says he's already 6 or 7 pounds! He's gonna be a big one!). They say full term is 37-42 weeks, and my due date is at 40 weeks. So really, it could be any day now. Yikes! But I'm feeling well - just a little tired and cranky on occasion (though Jim might say it's more often than not... he's such a trooper). I'm also now officially on maternity leave so I'm trying to keep myself occupied during the day. Going from long work days to nothing at all is a big adjustment - not that I'm complaining! But it's forcing me to relax and be a little more creative (see the pics below of the side snap shirts and onesies I have been needlepointing....). Also among the pics below are a few shots from the baby shower, a few of Tante Chrissy with Samson (the Build-a-Bear she made for Duds), a most recent belly shot (taken tonight), a pic of me and Jim on our one-day "babymoon" to Sausalito (taken from the deck at Scoma's restaurant), and updated pics of the baby's room. Jim put up the curtains and shelves, we got a new rug, etc. And, as you can see, the closet is full of clothes! Fortunately, we have a number of really good friends who have little boys who are growing up and they've been extremely generous in sharing what they have :)
Hope everyone is doing well. Looking forward to sharing pics of the little guy with you soon!!!!

1 comment:

dutch aunt chris said...

I love you !!! I miss you!!! the room looks great!!!!